Jerry Jones has no comments on future of McCarthy

"What I'm zeroed in on is the fact that I plan we were in a position to advance this getting in the playoffs and maybe get as far as our dreams powerful take us. We didn't do it. I don't have any thoughts on the reasons why, or anything to do with the coaching or players."

Jones took the opportunity to apply some blame on himself as well in the postgame availability as a somber feeling took over his backbone feelings pregame of excitement.

"I know where the section starts and ends," he said. "I've got that real positive and I know that. The point is that I'm crashed for everybody."

In regards to quarterback Dak Prescott, Jones disprevented to not comment on an impending contract extension talk this offseason.

"I haven't understanding about it at all," he said. "Every step of the way currently, I was looking for the end of the game for us to go up and have another game here next week."

Despite weird season success over the course of the last three seasons, the lack of anything substantial in the playoffs holds weight in Jones' eyes. When looking specifically at Sunday's loss, it weighs quite a bit when deciding what happens in the offseason with key characters.

"I give a lot to today," he said. "I'll give a lot to everything we've done. I weigh it a lot of ways."
